Crossroads Fellowship Christian Reformed Church

Pastor Mark Jicinsky
Phone number:
General Email:
Education Coordinator:
Website: CF (
Worship begins at 9:30 AM on Sundays.
Sunday School occurs after worship from September through April from 10:45 – 11:30.
CAYA (Come As You Are) plus participants in their children & youth programs and their caregivers are provided a handbook.
Worship service is a blend of contemporary and traditional music
There is a fully staffed nursery all year round.
During the school year, there is Children in Worship for kids 3 to PreK and Sunday School following the service for kids 3 years to high school.
Student Testimonial
Crossroads Fellowship Christian Reformed Church tracks its theological origins back to a Christian theologian from the 1500s named John Calvin. Their denomination, The Christian Reformed Church in North America, upholds three creeds (Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian) and three confessions (the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort). Alongside the affirmation of these historical creeds and confessions, they utilize contemporary testimonies (the Confession of Belhar and Our World Belongs to God).
This specific congregation however started coming together in 1945. In 1850 they were called Des Moines Christian Reformed Church, and their first building was located at the corner of Hickman and 50th in Des Moines. In the 90’s, their community purchased land in Wes Des Moines with plans of constructing a new building. As the congregation moved to their new facility at the corner of Vista and 60th in 2003, they rebranded their church Crossroads Fellowship Christian Reformed Church. Crossroads has had more than a dozen pastoral leaders over the years who oversaw the growth and formation of their Christian community.
As a family-oriented community, Crossroads offers a variety of opportunities for fellowship and Christian formation. Services are held weekly each Sunday, and they offer a fully staffed nursery. Children and youth-focused programs are provided most of the year and many of their adult fellowship groups meet monthly if not weekly. There are several options for adults to choose from including a Senior’s Group, a Book Club, Men’s Life, and Girl’s Night Out.