Epworth United Methodist Church

Pastor: Rev. Paul (ByungHwoon) Lee Office
Manager: Vicki Rich antaktic@icloud.com 515-243-3817
General Email: epworth412@gmail.com
Office Hours:
Tue, Thu, & Fri 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM Sundays: 9:15 AM
Sunday School: 10:15 AM
Fellowship: 10:45 AM
Traditional Worship: 10:45 AM
Dress modestly
Student Testimonial
The United Methodist Church has designated Epworth United Methodist Church in Des Moines as a “mission church in an urban setting. It is one of three congregations with such a designation because its location easily lends itself to ministry. In addition to traditional worship on Sunday mornings (10:45 AM) their community offers adult bible study before their service (9:30 AM), and a quilting group on alternating Tuesdays (9:30 AM).
A glance at their missions and ministries page however shows this congregation is focused on supporting their community. Currently, their outreach and community support efforts include vegetarian lunches on Saturdays (11:00 AM – 12:30 PM), community suppers on Tuesdays (5:30 PM – 6:30 PM), and an annual community health clinic on the last Saturday in September. They are also active participants in The United Way’s annual “Stuff the Bus” Campaign and host two bake sales each year. The proceeds from these bake sales directly support the above-mentioned community ministries.
The congregation’s current pastor hails from South Korea. With a background in Confucianism and a secular lifestyle, Pastor Paul brings a unique perspective to this church. In 2007 he launched a church for undocumented immigrants from China in South Korea before accepting a role as an assistant pastor at a mega-church in Seoul. In 2011 he came to the states to study at GTU California Berkly and has been a resident of Iowa since 2013.