First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church





Edgar Solis

Phone number:



Sundays 10:30 AM in person and YouTube live stream

Dress modestly

A nursery is available for children ages 0-3

During worship, children are invited to come forward for a children’s message and then may leave for Children’s Church or return to their parents in the pew

Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of every month.

After worship, there is a time of fellowship in Kenyon Hall (west of the sanctuary). Coffee, juice, and refreshments are served.

The worship service is held at 10:30 on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary. The service includes traditional worship, with songs and carols sung from the hymnal, led by the pipe organ and choir.

Student Testimonial

 ​​On their website they’re vision statement is “To be a Church that demonstrates justice, love, and inclusion for all. All means all.” and this phrase can be found on their website Along with this, they also have a mission statement that asserts “To connect people with God, to build a welcoming and inclusive community that serves neighbors through actions of justice and love, and to disciples of Jesus Christ.

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