Jewish Federation of Des Moines
Jarad Benstein
Monday 9 AM–5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM–5 PM
Wednesday 9 AM–5 PM
Thursday 9 AM–5 PM
Friday 9 AM–3 PM
Dress modestly
Student Testimonial
By Gigi:
The Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines is an organization that provides support to Jewish families and enriches the quality of life while celebrating Jewish identity. The Federation’s mission is to serve the community through services and programs for their core pillars, which include education, outreach, community, and history. The two schools Gan Shalom Preschool and Beit Sefer Shalom both offer a quality Jewish educational experience. The Federation collaborates with local synagogues and Jewish businesses to help connect and improve Des Moines Jewish Community.
In efforts to preserve Iowa’s Jewish history and culture, the Iowa Jewish Historical Society (IJHS) was established in 1996 which is an educational institution aimed to inspire people from every background to connect with and preserve Iowa’s Jewish history and culture. The Iowa Jewish Historical Society offers a variety of free virtual programs. These programs cover such diverse topics as the testimonies of Holocaust survivors and oral histories from Iowans who helped liberate the concentration camps Collecting and preserving historical artifacts and archival materials that tell the story of Iowa’s Jewish heritage. The Iowa Jewish Historical Society provides “high-quality, educational, and enjoyable exhibits and programs for school students and the general public”
Individuals navigate the sometimes conflicting demands of tradition and modernity through connection to ancestors and to a sense of culture. The Iowa Holocaust Memorial serves both a commemorative and educational function. The memorial is located at the State Capitol and commemorates those who perished in the Holocaust. It honors Iowans who served our country to help liberate the prisoners of the concentration camps, and those who survived the Shoah and came to Iowa to make a new life for themselves as Americans. “On the memorial walls are inscribed concise passages providing historical context and including iconic photographs authorized for reproduction on the monument by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.”The memorial’s message represents the bravery needed to uphold Judaism’s integrity and righteousness in the face of evil.