Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic Church and Student Center
Reverend Protas Okwalo
Phone number:
(515) 650-8646
Monday: 5 pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 5:15 pm
Thursday: 9:15 pm
Friday: 12 pm
Saturday: 5pm
Sunday: 10:30 English, 2pm Kiswahili (3rd Sunday in English), 5pm student mass, 8pm English
Only those baptized into the Catholic Church may receive the Eucharist/Communion, but you may still go forward and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing
When “crossing themselves” after hearing the names of the persons in the Trinity, Catholic Christians do so from head to belly, then from left shoulder to right shoulder
Student Testimonial
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Student Center is a spiritual “home away from home” for resident parishioners and Drake students alike. The church strives, through worship, prayer, fellowship, study, and service, to be disciples of Jesus today, so that they will be the leaders of the Catholic Church and Community tomorrow. At St. Catherine’s, Drake students can engage in religious activities such as game nights, Bible studies, service trips, and pilgrimages through FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). The FOCUS group was created to inspire young Catholic adults and college students to stay active in their churches, continue to attend masses, and take part in church-related celebrations.