Saint Joseph Catholic Church

Saint Joseph Catholic Church





Father Chris Fontanini

Phone number:

(515) 266-2226 



Monday- Friday: 8:30 am; Saturday: 5 pm; Sunday: 8 am and 10 am English, 12 pm Spanish

Only those baptized into the Catholic Church may receive the Eucharist/Communion, but you may still go forward and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing

When “crossing themselves” after hearing the names of the persons in the Trinity, Catholics Christians do so from head to belly, then from left shoulder to right shoulder

Student Testimonial

The parish family of St. Joseph is a community guided by the Holy Spirit’s work to proclaim God’s word, build His community, celebrate His liturgy, and serve His people. St. Joseph’s is also a K-8th grade school whose mission is to provide a meaningful educational experience for our children and adolescents, in an environment integrated with Gospel values that nurture faith, community, prayer, and service. They offer many opportunities for fellowship, faith-building, and service, and would love to have you as part of their warm and welcoming community

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