Saint Mary of Nazareth Catholic Church

Saint Mary of Nazareth Catholic Church





Father John Frost

Deacon Greg Lievens

Phone number: (515) 276-4042 



Tuesday-Friday: 8 am; Saturday: 5 pm; Sunday: 9 am and 11 am 

Only those baptized into the Catholic Church may receive the Eucharist/Communion, but you may still go forward and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing 

When “crossing themselves” after hearing the names of the persons in the Trinity, Catholics Christians do so from head to belly, then from left shoulder to right shoulder

Student Testimonial

Catholicism can be cultural. Knowing and following Jesus can only be intentional. The four pillars of St. Mary’s discipleship pathway (gathering, encountering, transforming, and sharing) guide them and you in taking the next steps on the ongoing and ever-deepening journey with Jesus. They have many opportunities for deepening, growing, and learning, and living out faith as well as service and outreach opportunities. St. Mary’s also has many opportunities for kids and teens.

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