Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church

The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot Bishop of The Diocese of Iowa; The Very Rev. Nicola Dance Dean of The Cathedral
Phone number: (515) 288-7297
8:00 am (In-person)
10:00 am (In-person & live-streamed)
As constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, the Episcopal Church USA is a descendant of and partner with the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church.
All who are baptized as Christians may receive the Eucharist.
Student Testimonial
St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in Des Moines has a rich and enduring history intertwined with the growth and development of the city itself. Established over a century and a half ago, St. Paul’s has stood as a beacon of Christian witness since its inception. Its humble beginnings date back to the mid-19th century, shortly after the city of Des Moines was incorporated. The first services were held at the Polk County Courthouse, symbolizing a community spirit that transcended denominational boundaries. Just two years later, in 1857, the congregation erected its first building at the corner of Seventh and Walnut, marking the physical birth of St. Paul’s presence in the heart of Des Moines.
Over time, the congregation outgrew its initial space, leading to the commissioning of a new church building in 1884. This late Victorian Gothic structure, with its distinctive architecture and ornate details, remains an enduring symbol of St. Paul’s commitment to serving its community. The church has weathered the passage of time and witnessed the transformation of downtown Des Moines, standing firm as a testament to faith and resilience.
St. Paul’s offers a variety of worship services throughout the week, catering to different spiritual needs and preferences. From the traditional Holy Eucharist services in both spoken and choral formats to the contemplative Choral Evensong on third Sundays, there is a service for every member of the community. The Cathedral Choir and Howells Scholars play integral roles in leading the congregation in worship, adding a layer of musical richness to the spiritual experience. Additionally, the Cathedral embraces its role as a center for liturgical arts, hosting organ recitals, carillon concerts, and special services like Requiem masses and Lessons and Carols.
St. Paul’s prides itself on being a diverse and inclusive community, welcoming individuals from all walks of life. Its parishioners represent a spectrum of socio-economic, educational, and vocational backgrounds, reflecting the vibrant tapestry of Des Moines. The congregation comprises members of varied racial and ethnic origins, affirming the belief that diversity is not only valued but celebrated within the sacred space of the Cathedral. What sets St. Paul’s apart is its unwavering commitment to compassion, affirmation, and love. Rooted in the belief that all human beings possess sacred dignity, the Cathedral actively engages in acts of social justice, echoing God’s call to live out love in the world. Moreover, St. Paul’s embraces diversity wholeheartedly, affirming the inherent worth of every individual regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity. This inclusive ethos permeates every aspect of community life, creating a safe and welcoming environment for all who enter its doors. Unique features of St. Paul’s include its historic architecture, particularly the stunning stained-glass windows and the impressive Casavant Organ—one of the largest in the state. The Cathedral’s commitment to environmental stewardship is evident in its labyrinth and rain garden, which replaced a parking lot, serving as a testament to its dedication to sustainability and community engagement. With its deep roots in the past and its eyes set firmly on the future, St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral continues to be a beacon of hope, love, and transformation in the heart of Des Moines. Whether through worship services, community outreach, or artistic endeavors, the Cathedral remains steadfast in its mission to proclaim the boundless love of God to all who seek solace within its walls.