Soka Gakkai International

Soka Gakkai International




Location: Please contact Danielle Foster-Smith for meeting locations

Danielle’s Phone number & Email:



The main website for SGI-USA is [](

Please contact Danielle Foster-Smith for meeting dates and times. 

Everyone is welcome to attend, including children. 

For activities in members’ homes, or public places please respect the requests of the meeting host, or guidelines for the use of the public location

Guests may participate in chanting and the open discussion topics but are not required to do so to attend the activities.  

Please do not make audio or visual recordings of the SGI meetings or meeting content.  

Student Testimonial

   The SGI is a lay organization of practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism. We are located in 192 countries and territories. The SGI community promotes peace, culture, and education based on respect for human dignity. It engages in many forms of service to others, including peace initiatives, human rights education, and environmental sustainability efforts.  The SGI-USA operates within this framework, adapting the practices and activities to the cultural context of the United States.


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