Trinity Las Americas United Methodist Church

Trinity Las Americas United Methodist Church





Pastor Emily Ewing

Phone number: (515) 288-4056 



Friday: 10:45 am Centering Prayer

Sunday: 10 am Bilingual Hybrid Worship

Dress in semi-formal attire

Student Testimonial

Trinity Las Americas United Methodist Church is the first United Methodist Reconciling Congregation in Iowa. They have a rich history of inclusivity, welcoming those marginalized elsewhere. Embracing people of all backgrounds, including those with criminal justice involvement, diverse genders, sexual orientations, ages, ethnicities, family types, and individuals with physical or mental challenges. At Trinity Las Americas, everyone is encouraged to actively participate in their community and worship together while spreading God’s love around the world. 

For about 120 years, this specific Methodist congregation has served Des Moines’ River Bend community through various social and economic changes. They were originally a part of an affluent neighborhood and they weathered urban challenges and embraced multiculturalism. Now known as Trinity Las Americas today, they advocate for peace, social justice, and compassion while providing nourishment for both bodies and souls. In 2016, Trinity formally merged with Las Americas to create a bilingual congregation. 

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