Fall 2024


We are currently in the process of planning and scheduling our Fall 2024 events, which will include four events for our new lecture & dialogue series in “religion and disability” and four site visits for our Meet My Religious Neighbor series. 

Meanwhile, we will leave here our Spring 2024 events: 3 lectures for the final semester of our lecture & dialogue series on “Transhumanism, Digital Immortality, and Religion,” 4 “site visits” to local places of worship for our “Meet My Religious Neighbor” series (the latter of which is co-programmed with CultureALL, Des Moines Area Religious Council, and Interfaith Alliance of Iowa), and the 6th annual meeting of the Iowa Interfaith Conference (this time in conjunction with the upper-midwest regional meeting of the American Academy of Religion).

Click on a box below to learn more (dark blue for the lectures, light blue for the site visits, green for the IIC). All events are free and open to the public.

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