Plymouth Holy Week during COVID-19

This Holy Week (The week leading up to Easter on the Christian Calendar which includes Monday, Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday) was unlike any other that we have experienced. Due to COVID-19, churches were unable to meet and hold special gatherings and services as they usually do. Some churches, like Plymouth United Church of Christ, took these services online so they could still serve their communities. They posted videos on Youtube and Facebook Live all throughout the week. There was a Monday Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday service and there was even a live recipe and cooking instructions for Unleavened Bread for communion and they did a very fun “Resurrection Rolls” video for kids and families. 

 On Easter Sunday, the sunrise service was presented by the 7th Grade confirmation class, who had all taken their own videos in their homes of prayers, scripture, lessons, and songs. They then put these together to create a whole service. It was very, very impressive, especially for a group of 7th graders. For the Easter Sunday regular service, some members of the choir and other musical acts had pre-recorded their acts three weeks ago in anticipation of stricter quarantine and social distancing guidelines. These were put together with prayers, sermon, and communion for the community. Overall, there were many options for members of the church and others to gather and still follow traditions, even while staying safe and healthy in their own homes. 

Landra Reece
Religions of Des Moines Student

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