03/18-20/2022: Global-Critical Philosophy of Religion Mini-Conference

On March 18-20, 2020, nearly two dozen global-critical philosophers of religion will participate in a NEH-supported mini-conference that explores alternative sets of topics, methods, and aims for global-critical philosophy of religion. Presentations will later be developed as essays and collected into a volume to be published with Bloomsbury. Below is a list of the papers delivered at the conference:

East Asian Philosophies of Religion

Leah Kalmanson, “Investigating Ultimate Things: Ru Philosophy of Religion”

Louis Komjathy, “Thinking about ‘Tradition’ from a Classical Daoist Perspective”

Gereon Kopf, “The Mummy of PoR: Kūkai’s Discussion of the 10 Hearts/Minds as Global/Critical Approach”

Jin Park, “Philosophy of Religion from the Perspective of Modern East Asian Buddhism”

Li-Hsiang (Lisa) Rosenlee, “Using Gender as a Category of Analysis to Interrogate Confucianism”

African and American Philosophies of Religion

Fritz Detwiler, “Seeing through Native Eyes: A Lakota approach to Philosophy of Religion”

Herbert Moyo, “The Nguni Philosophy of Life and Afterlife as Imbedded in Rituals for the Living Dead in the Christianized Nguni Cultural Context”

Ayodeji Ogunnaike “Get Your ‘Head’ in the Game: Philosophizing about Religion from Yoruba Perspectives”

South Asian Philosophies of Religion

Marie-Hélène Gorisse, “‘The Self is my right conduct’: A Jain approach to philosophy of religion”

Parimal Patil, “Indian Buddhist Philosophy of Religion?”

Agnieszka Rostalska, “Contextualising ‘Self’ and ‘God in Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika Tradition”

Nikky Singh, “Sikh Philosophy of Religion: Truth, Beauty, Perpetual Joy”

Abrahamic and Neoplatonic Philosophies of Religion

Eric Dickman, “The Two Textbooks in Medieval Cordoba”

Cody Dolinsek, “St. Augustine’s Ambivalent Relationship to Global-Critical Philosophy of Religion: Exclusivity, Love, and Possible Augustinian Integration”

Timothy Knepper, “Neglected Topics amidst the Platonic Curricula of Late-ancient Neoplatonists”

Oludamini Ogunnaike, “God is Greater: Islamic ‘Philosophies of Religion’ in Theology, Philosophy, and Sufism”

Contemporary Philosophies of Religion

Purushottama Bilimoria, “‘Postcolonial’ is just another elitist flatulence in Philosophy of Religion”

Jeremy Hustwit, “Decentered Philosophy of Religion and the Problems of Process Metaphysics”

Nathan Loewen, “Whose Textbook? What Methods? Femininist PoR.”

Aaron Simmons, “Livin on a Prayer: Existentialism, Phenomenology, and The Practice of Philosophy of Religion”

Kevin Schilbrack, “The Conceptual Limit of a Global Philosophy of Religion”

Laura Weed, “Embodied Neuroscience of Religion”

Wesley Wildman, “Cognitive Science of Religion and the Philosophy of Religion”

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