11/06/2014: Using a Net to Catch the Air: Poetry, Ineffability, and Small Stones in a Shoe

Christopher Janke Christopher Janke, Independent Poet and Artist

Thursday, November 6, 6:00 p.m.
Cowles Library Reading Room

Using a Net to Catch the Air: Poetry, Ineffability, and Small Stones in a Shoe is a free-form lecture—a meditation—on the way certain poets create aesthetic experiences by simultaneously constructing and undermining their own linguistic creations.

Christopher Janke explores the connection between words and the world with sculptural poetics. His poems have been in Harper’s, The American Poetry Review, and dozens of other journals. His first book, Structure of the Embryonic Rat Brain, won the Fence Modern Poets Series Prize; a two-volume set of poetry, Blink Song, is due out from H_NGM_N Books in 2015.

Christopher Janke’s lecture manuscript

Listen to audio of Janke’s lecture:

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