12/03/2017: Meet My Religious Neighbor: Burns United Methodist

Please join us on Sunday, December 3rd, from 10:45 am – 12:45 pm for the next open house in our Meet My Religious Neighbor series.

This open house is hosted by Burns United Methodist, the oldest African-American church in Iowa, which is now located at 1909 Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway in Des Moines. (For more background info about Burns, see our “Religions of Des Moines” entry on this site.)

Burns’ Sunday service begins at 11:00 am and lasts until 12:30/12:45 pm. Guests can dress as they desire — Burns’ parishioners come in everything from suits to sweats! Those guests who want a brief orientation to the service and tour of the facilities should arrive by 10:45 am.


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