12/02/2017: Finding Peace through A Course in Miracles

Debra Landwehr Engle
Author of The Only Little Prayer You Need
With Randy Adams, Annabelle Nesbit and Dr. JoAnn Tully

Saturday, December 2, 9 a.m. to noon (registration at 8:30)
Meredith Hall, Drake University


A Course in Miracles (ACIM) includes a text, workbook and manual that have been described as “spiritual psychotherapy.” Designed as a self-study course, the Course was first published in 1975, has been translated into more than two dozen languages and is studied worldwide.

While the Course uses Christian language, it is metaphysical and ecumenical in nature. It teaches that we have two minds: one based in fear and the other based in love. By consciously choosing love, we undo guilt and heal our relationships with ourselves and others.

This half-day conference will explore key teachings of the Course, including healing the mind and body, dealing with anger and attack, choosing love over fear and gaining a new perspective on life events by making small changes in your thinking.

The event will include an introduction to the Course, breakout sessions and a plenary Q&A with the conference leaders and ACIM students.


Debra Landwehr Engle has studied A Course in Miracles for more than 30 years. She is the author of The Only Little Prayer You Need, which is based on Course principles and has been translated into four languages. Deb leads A Course in Miracles classes, workshops and study groups in person and online, and she offers one-on-one mentoring based on ACIM.

Randy Adams has studied A Course in Miracles since 1995. He owns his own accounting and tax preparation business and teaches classes to other tax preparers. Randy believes that sharing kindness and joy is a simple and effective way to extend the ACIM message.

Annabelle Nesbit is an ordained interfaith minister and student/teacher of A Course in Miracles. Twenty-five years ago, she began a committed meditation practice, which inspired a life of learning about and practicing spiritual philosophies. She shares the gifts of the Course through a weekly ACIM group.

Dr. JoAnn Tully, D.C., uses principles from A Course in Miracles to help her clients release negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs that are sabotaging their energy, health and life. She works with clients who have been struggling with chronic illness, unexplained or unresolved health issues, or who are dealing with everyday fatigue and overwhelm.

11/04/2017: Meet My Religious Neighbor: Islamic Center of Des Moines

Please join us on Saturday, November 4th, from 5:30 – 7:30 pm, for the next open house in our Meet My Religious Neighbor series.

This open house is hosted by the Islamic Center of Des Moines, which is located at 6201 Franklin Avenue in Des Moines.  At 5:00 pm, there will be an introduction to the community, their mosque, and their practices in the prayer hall.  After that, the community will be praying their evening (maghrib) prayers.  Finally, there will be a potluck meal served in the fellowship hall.

Guests are encouraged to bring a potluck dish to share.  Women should bring a scarf to cover their heads; arms should also be covered to the wrists, legs, to the ankles.



10/26/2017: “Does ‘the God who acts’ really act? Special divine action via quantum mechanics that is objective but not miraculous”

Robert Russell
Founder and Director of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences and Ian G. Barbour Professor of Theology and Science, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
Thursday, October 26, 7:00 p.m.
Sussman Theater, Olmsted Center, Drake University

Russell starts with basic concepts in a Christian theology of divine action, including miracles.  He focuses on the challenge posed by Hume to the concept of “miracle” as a violation of the laws of nature and its devastating consequences for theology in the 18th – 20th century theology.  He then describes a new way to achieve a theory of divine action in which God’s action makes an objective difference in the processes of nature without in any way being a violation of, or intervention into, these processes: “NIODA” (non-interventionist objective divine action). NIODA, in turn, requires that there be genuine openness (“ontological indeterminism”) at some level in nature.  Russell briefly describes several candidates before turning to quantum mechanics (QM).  He argues that QM offers a promising approach for NIODA and in addition, when coupled with “theistic evolution”, it allows Christian theology to view God as acting in, with and through the biological evolution of life without recourse to Intelligent Design and in a response back against claims that evolution supports atheism.


Robert J. Russell is Founder and Director of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) and the Ian G. Barbour Professor of Theology and Science at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. He is a leading researcher and spokesperson for the growing international body of theologians and scientists committed to a positive dialogue and creative mutual interaction between these fields. He most recent book is Time in Eternity: Pannenberg, Physics and Eschatology in Creative Mutual Interaction (University of Notre Dame Press, 2012). He has co-edited a six volume CTNS/Vatican Observatory series on scientific perspectives on divine action and the first in the new series on scientific perspectives on the problem of natural evil.  He is a founding co-editor of the scholarly journal Theology and Science which CTNS members internationally receive. Dr. Russell is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California at Santa Cruz (1978) and an M.A. in Theology and an M. Div. from Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley (1972).

Video of lecture

10/08/2018: Meet My Religious Neighbor: Wat Phothisompan

Our next “Meet My Religious Neighbor” open house is on Sunday, October 8th from 10am – 12pm. It will be held at one of the Lao Buddhist temples in Des Moines, Wat Phothisomphan, which is located at 2560 SE 14th Street.

The service will include Tak Bat, the offering of food to the monks at the temple, as well as chanting meditation, a dharma talk (“sermon”), and lunch.

Meet My Religious Neighbor is a monthly open-house series. Each open house allows the public the opportunity to tour a sacred space, learn how religion is practiced in it, and meet the congregation who worships there.




09/14/2017: Miracles: A Philosopher’s Stance

Karen Zwier
Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Drake University
Thursday, September 14, 7:00 p.m.
Sussman Theater, Olmsted Center, Drake University

Miracle stories are a phenomenon shared by all major religious traditions.  What is a rational person to think in the face of this phenomenon?  In this lecture, Professor Zwier will survey some of the ways in which philosophers have analyzed the concept of miracles and grappled with the question of the proper epistemic stance toward miracle reports.

Professor Zwier’s research deals with philosophical and scientific methodology as well as metaphysics of science. She concerns herself with questions about how—and if—metaphysical claims are engaged by empirical scientific methods. Her areas of specialty include philosophy of causation, history and philosophy of physics, and science and religion.

Video of the Lecture

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